Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Tropical (PPGMedtrop)
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INSTRUÇÃO NORMATIVA Nº 01/2024 (Estabelece diretrizes para as ações de credenciamento, recredenciamento e descredenciamento de docentes no Programas de Pós-graduação em Medicina Tropical (PPGMEDTROP) da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) |
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Tropical do Ccs/Ufpe Cronograma de Disciplinas – 2013.2 (Segundo Semestre) | |||
09 (nove) disciplinas | Professor(Es) | Período de Aulas | Hora/Local |
1) Epidemiologia analítica – obrigatória para (ME/DO) | Ricardo Ximenes (UFPE) | Seg./Qua./Sex. 01/07 a 16/08/13 | 08h00-12h00 Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
2) Aspectos imunológicos das parasitoses – eletiva para o (ME/DO) | Vlaudia Costa (UFPE) | Ter. e Sex. 23/08 a 01/10/13 | 14h00-17h00 Sala de Aula do Programa |
3) Imunologia básica – eletiva para o (ME/DO) | Célia Castro (UFPE) | Seg./Qua./Sex. 09/09 a 04/10/13 | 08h00-12h00 Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
4) Imunologia médica – eletiva para o (ME/DO) | Vera Magalhães (UFPE) | Seg. e Qua. 14/10 a 20/11/13 | 14h00-15h30 Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
5) Bacteriologia médica – eletiva para o (ME/DO) | Amélia Maciel (UFPE) | 17/09 a 01/11/13 | 08h00-12h00 Sala de Aula do Programa |
6) Informática aplicada à pesquisa científica com epi-info – eletiva para o (ME) | Silvia Sarinho (UFPE) | Seg. a Sex. 26 a 30/08/13 | 08h00-12h00 Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
6) Informática aplicada à pesquisa científica com epi-info – eletiva para o (DO) | Silvia Sarinho (UFPE) | Seg. a Sex. 02 a 06/09/13 | 08h00-12h00 Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
7) Publicação e apresentação de pesquisas científicas – Eletiva para o (ME/DO) | Heloísa Ramos (UFPE) | Qui. 31/10 a 12/12/13 | 14h00-16h00 Sala de Aula do Programa |
8) Métodos de investigação epidemiológica - obrigatória para o (DO) | Marília Lima (UFPE) Ricardo Ximenes (UFPE) | Seg. a Sex. 14 a 18/10 | 08h00-12h00 Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
9) Bioestatística avançada – obrigatória para o (DO) | Ricardo Ximenes (UFPE) | - | - |
| George Tadeu Nunes Diniz (CPqAM/Fiocruz) | Seg. a Sexta-feira 21 a 25/10/13 | Integral Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
| Luciana Scarlazzari (USP) | Seg. a Sexta-feira 04 a 08/11/13 | Integral Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
| Ma. Teresa Serrano Barbosa (UNIRIO) e Ma. Rita Lustosa Byington (INCa) | A Definir(2014) | Integral Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
| Cibele Comini Cesar (UFMG) | A Definir(2014) | Integral Sala de Aula das PGs do CCS |
Legenda: (ME) = mestrado – (do) = doutorado – (me/do) = mestrado/doutorado |

The UFPE Graduate Program in Tropical Medicine has released a public selection notice for those interested in joining the master's and doctorate courses for the 2017 academic year. Entries must be made at the postgraduate office from September 19 to November 1, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 12 noon and from 2 pm to 5 pm, either personally or by proxy.
The program also accepts entries sent via Sedex, according to the rules of the public notice, published in the Official Gazette of UFPE 93. The program secretariat is located in block A of Hospital das Clínicas of UFPE, Recife Campus.
14 openings (7 for doctors and 7 for other professionals in the health area) are available for the Master's Course, and 12 openings (6 for doctors and 6 for other professionals in the health area) are available for the Doctoral Course. Two additional institutional vacancies are offered, one for Master's and another for PhD, according to Resolution No. 01/2011.
The master's degree is geared towards graduates in the areas of Medicine, Pharmacy/Biochemistry, Biomedicine and Biological Sciences; and the Doctorate to Master's in the fields of Tropical Medicine, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Parasitology, Microbiology, Immunology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Epidemiology, Public Health/Collective Health. Candidates must present diplomas issued by courses recognised by the Ministry of Education (MEC).
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Graduate Program in Tropical Medicine
(81) 2126.8527
- Infectious parasitic diseases
- Host-parasite relationship
Description: This topic is intended to strengthen studies on the factors that can influence the evolution and outcome of patients with HIV/AIDS, with examples such as metabolic alterations, heart disease, neurocognitive disorders related to HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy. It also addresses efforts for the early identification of opportunistic infections and neoplasms related to the disease through studies that validate new diagnostic methods, as well as clinical-epidemiologies and prevalence studies that demonstrate the primary conditions affecting people living with HIV/AIDS in the state of Pernambuco. |
Description: Studies that tackle the prevalence of serological markers (antibodies, antigens, nucleic acids) and risk factors for different viral infections (CMV, HHV, HTLV, HGV, HPV, Influenza, Rotavirus) as a molecular epidemiological analysis performed on healthy individuals and in immuno-compromised individuals, additionally pointing out the enhancement and validation of diagnostic techniques for dengue virus and viral hepatitis infections, focusing on the search for viral and host markers that can monitor and prevent severity and chronicity, facilitating the monitoring of patients in Pernambuco and other states in the northeast region. |
Description: Studying clinical-epidemiological aspects of tuberculosis and leprosy that may contribute to the orientation of the control measures of these diseases - diseases that constitute a serious public health problem in the northeastern region of Brazil - as well as to evaluate and propose methods for the clinical/lab diagnosis of these diseases, bolstering their control. |
Description: Descriptive study of the population of bacteria and fungi, involving morphological diagnosis and characterization (phenotype), as well as determining genetic characteristics of microorganisms (molecular) in order to characterise virulence and resistance factors from isolated hospital environment to different antimicrobials, with particular emphasis on patients hospitalised in Intensive Care Units. |
Description: Studies that cover the host's immune response to parasite infections in order to obtain serological markers of chronicity or worsening of the disease. Hence, it evaluates the immunological response pattern as a determinant of the clinical manifestations in patients with chronic chagasic disease and leishmaniasis. This research topic also includes studies on risk factors and Immunodiagnosis of tegumentary and visceral leishmaniasis and toxoplasmosis. In the context of extracellular protozoa, the immune response is evaluated during the presence of Giardia lamblia and the inter-relationship with allergic diseases. |
Description: This line encompasses epidemiological studies of schistosomiasis and filariasis in the state of Pernambuco, covering the use and validation of more precise clinical and laboratory diagnosis in the acute and chronic phase of the disease. In the field of immunoparasitology study, it includes studies focused on the effect of treatment for helminth infections, assessing in vitro effects of the immunomodulatory capacity of schistosomicidal and anti-fibrotic drug candidates. In order to provide knowledge on parasitic components as an immunoregulatory tool, studies are conducted pertaining to the influence of infection from helminth or an extract of these worms on the immune response to heterologous antigens (antibody production, cytokines, TCD4 + lymphocyte profiles), analyzing the allergen response (cutaneous and clinical disease) in patients infected with helminths, as well as the immune response to autoantigens in experimental models, also addressing the influence of gestation and breastfeeding in infected mothers on the long-term immunity of the offspring or, in other words, in adult life. |
Description: Studies that cover innate immunity confronting different pathogens by evaluating the microbicidal Potential of macrophages through the physiological and nutritional state of the host. |
Description: Studies related to cellular and molecular responses in the interaction of the pathogen with the invertebrate host; Perspectives: This line is of extreme importance due to the fact that many invertebrate hosts are involved in the transmission cycle of some endemic and epidemic tropical diseases in Brazil. And studies with these invertebrates are needed in order to provide knowledge that can be used in the future for preparing disease control methods (such as disruption of the parasite's biological cycle in the host-vector). |
Genetics and molecular epidemiology of the resistance and virulence of Gram-negative bacteria Results of the group’s work The research group has been publishing relevant scientific papers on the resistance and virulence of Gram-negative bacteria coming from patients at hospitals in Recife - PE, since 2010, in indexed journals with an international impact. Through the group's research, molecular studies have been strengthened through gene expression, PCR and sequencing of virulence and resistance genes, as well as a complete sequencing of the genome (deposited in GenBank), including the plasmids of virulent bacterial strains involved in health care-related infections, as well as the study of risk factors associated with those infections (IRAS). Thus, there has been a better understanding of the epidemiology, and genetic mechanisms, phenotypes and the dissemination of resistance and the pathogenicity of the analysed bacteria can be obtained, providing data that bolster the prevention, control and antibiotic therapy of bacterial infections within hospitals. |
Clinical and Experimental Schistosomiasis Results of the group's work The group's primary research topic is to develop and apply low cost non-invasive diagnostic methods to assess the severity of liver fibrosis and its degree of activity. Among the methods used by the group, the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline is used as an indicator of hepatic fibrogenic activity and can be applied to monitor the fibrogenic activity of patients and population groups after the specific clinical treatment for schistosomiasis. |
Célia Maria Machado Barbosa de Castro Nutrition, Immunity and Physical Activity Results of the group's work Using experimental models to evaluate the development and maintenance of physiological systems (particularly the immune system and skeletal muscle), results from this research group provide support for a better understanding of the effects of nutritional abuse suffered during the critical period of the body's development and the interaction that exists between physiological systems in the maintenance of homeostasis. The study of adult immunity parameters is of great relevance for a better understanding of the effects of manipulations in the neonatal period and their possibly harmful repercussions on the definitive adult standards. Likewise, moderate-intensity physical training is associated with health benefits and the enhancement of many immune system functions. With this in mind, the group is developing studies that evaluate the morphological and physiological changes induced by physical training in the search for establishing a new equilibrium in the homeostatic processes that can attenuate or eliminate the effects of possible organic disorders located in the early phase of development and growth. Nutritional aggression in underdeveloped and developing countries' populations, such as Brazil, are quite frequent. |
Edmundo Pessoa de Almeida Lopes Neto Results of the group's work The group seeks to investigate the epidemiology, clinical repercussions and manners of therapeutic interventions in liver diseases, particularly hepatitis and schistosomiasis. |
Fábio André Brayner dos Santos Immunology of Invertebrates Results of the group's work The group has major publications in indexed scientific journals addressing the effector functional aspects of the immune response of Anopheles gambiae and its capacity to present immunological memory against infection by Plasmodium spp. With new projects proposed by the group being conducted, the cellular and molecular functional aspects, effectors of the immune response of Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles spp., Lutzomyia spp. and Biomphalaria spp. will be studied using molecular and cellular techniques upon challenge of these invertebrates to the dengue virus, Leishmania spp, Plasmodium and Schistosoma mansoni. The results obtained will contribute to an understanding of the host-parasite relationship with a view towards preparing future methods for the control of invertebrates under study and the resulting spread of related diseases. The group collaborates with the following institutions: UFPE, UFRPE, UPE, CPqRR, NIH-USA |
Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, complications from antiretroviral therapy and viral resistance in HIV/AIDS infections Results of the group's work The group was formed in 2004 stemming from a shared interest by researchers in studying HIV infection, AIDS and other forms of immunosuppression related to transplantation and to contribute to their understanding and control. As the group was consolidating, the interfaces between fields of activities by the researchers determined the formation of research topics articulated around the problems needed to be solved. Therefore, the following Research Topics are active: Epidemiology and; clinical manifestations of HIV/AIDS infection and evaluating the survival rate in different population groups (elderly, women and pregnant women). Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS-related co-infections and transplants (opportunistic diseases, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis and hepatitis viruses). Epidemiology and frequency of primary and secondary HIV resistance to antiretrovirals. This last Research Topic relies on the participation of researchers from the Laboratory of Virology from the UM |
Microbiological, epidemiological and molecular studies of bacteria that are of medical interest Results of the group’s work The primary objective of this research group is to study bacterial isolates coming from hospitals in Greater Recife, relating epidemiological and microbiological data, underscoring the phenotypic and genetic profile of antimicrobial resistance of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacilli and staphylococci. It also includes an analysis of mechanisms of virulence and resistance related to bacterial biofilms of species like Staphylococcus spp. , P. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp of bacterial strains of cancer patients in a reference hospital in Pernambuco. |
Maria Rosângela Cunha Duarte Coêlho Human Viruses Results of the group’s work The human viruses group was founded as of 1998 with a view towards continuing the work conducted in the field of the virology of LIKA, since its creation in 1986. The first studies in Brazil on the human herpes virus (HHV-6) and in the region on human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection and human lymphotropic virus (HTLV) were carried out here, which brought valuable information about risk groups and the epidemiology of these viruses. The research developed in the Virology Sector intends to study the epidemiological, serological and molecular aspects of human viruses, as well as contribute to the training of personnel in the field of virology, a field that is lacking in our region. Several Graduate Programs at UFPE, mainly from the Graduate in Tropical Medicine and the master's, doctoral students and scientific initiation students conduct their research in the Sector of Virology of LIKA-UFPE under our coordination. |
FUNGI OF MEDICAL INTEREST AND YEASTS OF BIOTECHNOLOGICAL INTEREST Results of the group’s work The work conducted related to this research topic corresponds to the knowledge and characterization of pathogenic fungi when etiological agents of mycoses and when isolated from natural substrates from the environment. In addition, its purpose is to identify and characterise yeasts of biotechnological interest isolated from substrates used in industries and/or the residues thereof. Pathogenic fungi and yeasts identified and characterised will broaden the collection of the Fungi Banks of Medical Interest and Yeasts of Biotechnological Interest at the URM-UFPE Culture Collection. The fungi deposited in these Banks should be utilised in several research topics underway at the Federal University of Pernambuco and when requested by other institutions, including industries. The results obtained in relation to pathogenic fungi will point out the need for prophylactic and/or preventive measures in rural, urban and/or poor communities. |
Ricardo Arraes de Alencar Ximenes EPIDEMIOLOGY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Results of the group’s work The group has been consolidating its work in the field of endemic diseases in urban areas. It gathers researchers with different levels of training, including scientific initiation students, masters and doctoral students, and researchers/doctors who, although belonging to different institutions, have been working together, particularly in the study of epidemiology and the control of infectious diseases. Collaborative work and partnerships with other groups inside and outside the country are maintained. Highlights include the international cooperation with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the intersection with the tuberculosis project adopted at the Millennium Institute. Scientific production by the group has been presented in the form of papers in national and international congresses, dissertations, theses and articles (see Curriculum Lattes). The studies look to respond to local issues in-line with scientific and technological development. |
Valdênia Maria Oliveira de Souza IMMUNOREGULATION OF INFECTUOS-PARASITIC DISEASES AND ANTI-PARASITIC DRUGS Results of the group’s work Implementing experimental and human studies involving infectious parasitic diseases (schistosomiasis, geohelminthiasis, toxoplasmosis, trypanosomiasis, leprosy), addressing the cellular immune response and evolution of antibody production during the host-parasite interaction in order to gain immunomodulator tools and mechanisms that may contribute to the attenuation of chronic inflammatory reactions caused by parasites or to unrelated antigens (vaccine antigens, allergens, autoantigens and tumors), as well as evaluating the efficacy of new anti-parasitic drugs and their effects on the host. |
EVALUATION OF THE ETIOLOGY OF INFECTIONS AND MECHANISMS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PATHOGENS Results of the group’s work The Evaluation Group for the aetiology of infections and pathogen disease production mechanisms conducted several studies seeking to evaluate and qualify diagnostic methods for infections in patients with AIDS, particularly those co-infected with tuberculosis and HPV. |
Centro de Ciências da Saúde
Departamento de Medicina TropicalHospital das Clínicas - Bl. A - Térreo do HC/UFPE Av. Prof. Moraes Rego - s/n. 50670-901 - Cidade Universitária, Recife-PE (81) 2126 8527